Jmol building notes Building Jmol properly requires three projects: Jmol JSmol JSpecView - JSpecView: Jmol needs JSpecView's jar file, so if there are changes, to JSpecView, start there. The build.xml in JSpecView will copy files to Jmol (to appletfiles/ and jars/). - Jmol: update and check it in so that it gets a new time stamp. is also used by JSmol (along with all the Jmol java files). - JSmol: run: build_11_fromjmol.xml build_12_fromjspecview.xml build_13_tojs.xml Test test test! (jsmol.htm, simple2.htm, supersimple.htm) - JSmol: Update and check in jsmol files - Jmol: run buildjsmolzip.xml - Jmol: Update and check in jmol files # Developers: to add a description of changes you have made, # add it on a line below the "Jmol.___JmolVersion=..." line. # Don't use Jmol.___ in your text, as that is the key for stripping out # the information saved in the JAR version of this file. # The quotes above look odd for a parameter file, but they are # important for the JavaScript version of Jmol. # # A full Jmol/JSpecView/JSmol release requires the following: # # 1. Generate a new version number. This should be done as in the following examples, # listed in order of appearance: # # previous new # # 14.8.10 14.8.11-beta-2016-12-20 a beta release of 14.8.11 with a timestamp for Dec 20, 2016 # 14.8.10 14.8.11 bug fixes only - patch level # 14.8.10 14.9.0 new features - minor version level (tag for Maven, create branch) # 14.8.10 15.0.0 new features - major version level (tag for Maven, create branch) # # The distinction between major and minor is arbitrary. # # Note that -beta releases will be to # while full releases will be to # # 2. Create a new Jmol.___... line and remove "Jmol.___" from the line for the # previous release; failure to do remove this line will use the original release number, # not the new one, since this is a property file. # # 3. Commit this change. # # 4. Run jmol buildmin.xml, signing the jar files only # # 5. Run jsmol build_11_fromJmol.xml # # 6. Run jsmol build_12_fromJSpecView.xml # # 7. Refresh the JSmol project # # 8. Run jsmol build_13_tojs.xml # # 9. Run jmol builddist.xml # # 10. Run jmol/tools build-release.xml #