CHEM 393 - Links to spectroscopy related websites

General Spectroscopy Introduction to Spectroscopy
great introduction to the different techniques with animations (even though there is at least one mistake)
Infrared Spectroscopy NIST Chemistry WebBook
if you want to locate certain spectra
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy The Basics of NMR
really nice on-line "textbook", plenty of animations; some topics are too advanced for us

For the interpretation of 1H NMR spectra, have a look at The NMR Mosaic. The idea is nice, it used to be a fun page that uses our approach, but now they have a patent on the colourful approach and you need to purchase a license. It is pretty inexpensive though, so if you find you like it, you could give it a try.

You can find problems for structure elucidation from multiple spectra in this Workbook of Unknowns.

Let me know if you find other related useful web pages.

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Last update: march15; hmm