Advanced Statistics for Biological Sciences - BIOL422 & BIOL680 - 2025
Goal of this WebBook
This web resource (calling it here a WebBook) was built to provide students with a more integrated and streamlined environment for distributing lectures (videos), lecture notes, external resources (e.g., videos, links to other web resources, etc) and tutorials. This is our book and, as such, any comments on how to improve it are welcomed.
I’ll update the book constantly and send messages when it’s updated as new components are added.
Moodle will be used for:
- Posting and running assessments (reports, exams, essays)
- General communication between the Instructor (Pedro) and students.
- Discussion Forum (students, TAs and Instructor)
This WebBook will serve to provide:
- Better integration between practicing data analyses using R (tutorials),
and the theoretical and conceptual components of statistics (lectures).
- Distribute detailed lectures notes.
- Distribute videos.
- Distribute slides of lectures and other resources.
During the entire term, I’ll be sending information in a way that the integration of Moodle and our WebBook should be seamless.
Making the left slidebar disappear & appear (toggle)
To improve reading, you may want to make the slidebar of this WebBook disappear and then
make it appear later on when browsing among lectures, tutorials, etc. To do that, simply
touch with your mouse the Toggle button at the top (i.e., 4 vertical lines besides the
magnifying glass, which is used for searching the WebBook.
The syllabus can be viewed or downloaded in Moodle.