Updated Oct.15/04 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMERICAL ANSWERS TO ASSIGNED TUTORIAL PROBLEM SETS FOR CHEM205 FROM KOTZ & TREICHEL'S CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL REACTIVITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: none of the answers from Ch.2 have been verified NOTE: "^" means "raised to the power of..." to indicate scientific notation... Ch. Q# Answer Units SFs Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1 in nucleus: protons (+1), neutrons (0) 2 1 electrons (-1), least massive 2 5 Thomson: mass-to-charge ratio of e-; Millikan: charge on e-; together --> mass of e- 2 5 Rutherford: disproved Thomson's model; proved +, massive nucleus at centre with e-s surrounding it 2 7 Radon, Rn 2 15 see world wide web…e.g., www.webelements.com 2 23a (superscript 19)(subscript 9)F 2 23b (superscript 52)(subscript 24)Cr 2 23c (superscript 132)(subscript 54)Xe 2 25a 6e-, 6p+, 7n 2 25b 29e-, 29p+, 34n 2 25c 83e-, 83p+, 122n 2 29 isotopes of X: (superscript 19)(subscript 9)X, (superscript 20)(subscript 9)X, (superscript 21)(subscript 9)X 2 33 24.31 amu 4 2 35 57.20 % 4 antimony-121 2 35 42.80 % 4 antimony-123 2 37a 835 g 3 Au 2 37b 62.4 g 3 He 2 37c 12 g 2 Pt 2 37d 0.0888 g 3 Pu 2 39a 0.696 mol 3 Na 2 39b 7.38x10^-3 mol 3 Sn 2 39c 1.7x10^-5 mol 2 Pt 2 39d 7.49x10^-3 mol 3 Xe 2 43 18 elements metals: K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, 2 43 metalloids: Ge, As 2 43 nonmetals: Se, Br, Kr 2 47 copper 65Cu: 29p+, 36n, 29e- 2 47 krypton 86Kr: 36p+, 50n, 36e- 2 47 platinum 195Pt: 78p+, 117n, 78e- 2 47 bromine 81Br: 35p+, 46n, 35e- 2 49 top: S N bottom: B I 2 53 Ba more reactive than Ca (more vigorous H2 evolution; perhaps flame) 2 53 Mg period 3; Ca period 4; Ba period 6 2 53 reactivity increases going down a group 2 57 Zn zinc, Cd cadmium or Hg mercury 2 57 18 possible answers… 2 57 Pb, lead 2 57 Se, selenium 2 57 Na, sodium 2 57 Xe, xenon 2 57 Se, selenium 2 57 Ge, germanium OR As, arsenic 2 59 1.6x10^20 Fe atoms 2 iron… 2 61 14.9 cm 3 edge length 2 65 2.3x10^14 g/cm3 2 density of nucleus -- HUGE! 2 65 3.34x10-3 g/cm3 3 density of electron cloud -- very low! 2 65 nucleus is much more dense… 2 66 1.0028x10^23 C atoms 5 max mass of C on balance = 20001g, so used this mass…