The Turnbull Rink
Dr. Joanne Turnbull (Skip): Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Hou, M.Sc.
in progress (Sept
2006 - present)
“Site-directed Mutagenesis Studies of a Hyperthermophilic Dehydrogenase” John Manioudakis, Ph.D. in progress (Sept 2002 - present) “Examining the Reactivity of Active Site Residues in Multi-domain Enzymes” Are there any more, ?????? |

Past MembersGraduate Students Supervised or co-supervised:Julie Bonvin, Ph.D. (200?), “Mechanistic Studies on a Dehydrogenase from a Hyperthermophile”. Current position ?????Sarah Jane Martinez, M.Sc. (2004), Co-supervisor Ashraf Ismail, McGill University “Isotopic Labeling of the Domains of RSU of ATCase Using Intein Technology and Structural Analysis by FTIR and 2D Correlation Spectroscopy” currently technician at Royal Victoria Hospital. Lorena Boju, Co-op M.Sc. (2004), Co-supervisor Miroslaw Cygler, BRI, Montreal. “Purification and Preliminary Crystallographic Analysis of PR-AMP Cyclohdrolase from M. thermoautotrophicum” currently in office of Environmental Health and Safety, Concordia University. Kevork Mekhssian, M.Sc. (2003), “Structure/Function Studies on a Bifunctional Enzyme in Tyrosine Biosynthesis”, currently a research scientist at Boehringer-Ingelheim Research Inc., Montreal. Raphael Aponte, M. Sc. (2002), “Mechanistic Studies on a Monofunctional Dehydrogenase from a Thermophilic Bacterium”, currently PhD student at Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg, Germany. Gopal Devananathan, Co-op M.Sc. (2003), Co-supervision with Enrico Purisima, BRI, Montreal, “The Design of Substrates for Cathepsin X”, currently a musician in Montreal. Takrima Haque, M.Sc. (2001) Co-supervision with Dr. Ashraf Ismail, Dept. Food Science, McGill University. “Studying the Unfolding of Catalytic Subunit of ATCase Employing Isotope-Edited FTIR Spectroscopy in conjunction with 2D Correlation Analysis” . Currently Ph.D. student at McGill University. Katarina Russo, Co-op M.Sc. (2001). Co-supervision with Dr. Hans Zingg, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. "Regulation of the Oxytocin Receptor". Currently a research technician in lab of Dr. Zingg. Fenny Ismoyo, Ph.D. (2000). Co-supervision with Dr. Ashraf Ismail, Dept. of Food Science, McGill University. “Investigation of Protein Structure Under Selected Physico-Chemical Conditions by Circular Dichroism and FTIR”. Presently professor of food science at University in Indonesia. Enrico Schleiff, Ph.D. (1999). Co-supervision with Dr. Gordon Shore, Dept. of Biochemistry, McGill University. “Protein Import into Mitochondria: a Study on hTom20”. Currently Assistant professor, Department of Biology, LMU Munich, Germany. Colin Rieger, M.Sc. (1998), “A Continuous Spectrophotometric Assay for Aspartate Transcarbamylase and Other Phosphate Releasing Enzymes”, Ph.D. in Biochemistry U. of Melbourne, Australia, then on staff at Scientific Patent Department , Canberra, A.C.T., Australia. Dinesh Christendat, Ph.D. Sept. 1993-Aug. 1998, “Mechanistic Studies on Chorismate Mutase-Prephenate Dehydrogenase”, currently Assistant Professor of Cell and Systems Biology (formerly Dept. of Botany), University of Toronto. |
Students supervised: Stephen Phung (450) Co-op with T. Chan (Hopital St. Luc) “Drug Treatment is Associated with Upregulation of CD95/Apo-1/Fas Receptors Leading to Apoptosis in Mouse Liver”, February 2006 Lisa Bulet (450) “pH Dependence of a Mutase Reaction”, May 2005 Juliana Kohrana (490) “Optimizing the Biosynthesis of Chorismate”, April 2005 Tanya Tolomeo (490) “Effect of Salt, Metal Ions on a Dehydrogenase”, April 2005 Maria Marcantonio (450) “Characterization of a Truncated Form of A. aeolicus PD”, December 2004 Caroline Chu (419) “Characterization of Mutants Involved in Tyrosine Inhibition of PD”, May 2004 Maher Jandali Riffai (450) “Examination of the Mechanism of Tyrosine Inhibition”, April 2004 Michelle D’Antoni (450) “Expression and Purification of Two Variants of PD from A. aeolicus”, December 2003 Janice Lawandi (450) “Purification and Characterization of the Stability of 20 Recombinant PD from A. aeolicus”, December 2003 Donovan Chan (450) “Alpha Screen in Monitoring the Ubiquitination of Protein” co-supervised with BioSignal, Montreal, December 2003 Medhi Noei (summer research assistant) 2003 Jonah Prevost (450) “Structural Studies of ATCase and Whey Proteins using Atomic Force Microscopy” co-supervised with Dr. Ashraf Ismail, Dept. of Food Science, McGill University, December 2002 Gordon Stark (419) “Site-Directed Mutagenesis of a Residue Involved in Substrate Binding” December 2002 Suzan MacNamara (490) “Characterization of Mono- and Bi-functional Forms of PD Purified by IMAC Technology”, December 2002 Tony Lee (450) “Examination of CM-PD Inhibition by Tyrosine”, May 2002 James McLauchlan (450) “Titration of Lys37 in CM-PD by Differential Peptide Mapping”, May 2002 David Ghattas (450) on-campus supervisor for project performed at McGill (Goodyer) “DNAse I Footprinting of a 421 bp Region of the Putative Liver-Specific Human Growth Receptor Gene Promotor”, April 2002 Pierre Morin (419) on-campus supervisor for project performed at U. de Montreal Hospital Notre Dame (Jean-Pierre Emond) March 2002 James Macgee (450) “Determination of pK of Cysteines in a Mutant of ATCase”, January 2002 Antony Antonecchia (450)—on-campus supervisor for project performed at Lady Davis (R. Germinario) January 2002 Liza Azeff (390) “Purification of His-tagged CM-PD”, August 2001 Kimberly Bull (summer research student) “Characterizing Ala86 of CM-PD”, 2001 Stephanie Clothier (419) “Examining the Role of Lys 37 in CM-PD”, May-Aug 2001 Steve Spetsieris (419) “Identifying the Reactive Cysteine Involved in the Tetramerization of CM-PD”, 2001 Sarah Martinez (Biotechnology Diploma (McGill University) summer stage) “Expressing the RSU of ATCase as two domains for isotope editing FTIR”, will be starting M. Sc. with me co-supervised with Ismail at McGill Ming-Ni (summer student), McGill University “Domain Expression for FTIR” with Ismail at McGill Samantha Abenhaim (419) “Expression and Purification of His-tagged Cm-PD”, May 2001 Kimberly Bull (450 ) “Investigating the Role of Glu86 in CM-PD” April 2001 Catherine Campbell (419) “Titrating Cys of ATCase by FTIR”, December 2000 Kevork Mekhssian (part-time technician) “Preparation of chorismate and purification of CM-PD” (Sept.-Dec. 2000) Julie Bonvin (Undergraduate Research Stage, Lyon France) “Purification and Characterization of PNPase from E. coli” 2000 Sebastien Guyon (Undergraduate Research Stage, Lyon France) “Synthesis of 7-Methyl Inosine for the Coupled Assay using PNPase” 2000 Maria Solis (390, NSERC Undergrad Award) “Expressing and Characterizing His-tagged CM-PD”, 2000 Raphael Aponte (summer undergraduate) “(1) Purification of H189N Mutant from Inclusion Bodies; (2) Characterization of PNPase”, 2000 Dominic Beliveau (490)“Investigating Position 189 in the Mechanism of Chorismate Mutase-Prephenate Dehydrogenase”, Aug 2000 Marc Bourbeau (450) “Examining the Role of Glutamate 86 in the Mechanism of Chorismate Mutase-Prephenate Dehydrogenase”, May 2000 Serena Filosi (450) “Comparison of Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase from E. coli and a bacterial source from Sigma”, October 1999 Andrew Strunga (490) “(1) Improving the Yield of Chorismic Acid and (2) Mechanistic Study of a Mutase-Dehydrogenase Mutant”, April 1998 David Hambly (290) “Synthesis of PALA” , winter 1998 Vivian Saridakis (summer student) “Mutagenesis of ATCase”. 1997 John Lee (450) “Cloning and Expression of E. coli PNPase”, January 1997. John Lee (Co-op work summer work term) “Chemical Modification of CM-PD”. 1996 Gia Klironomous (419) “Characterizing Arg105 mutants of ATCase”, January 1996 Gia Klironomous (summer student), summer 1996 Colin Rieger (part-time technician) “Improving Chorismate Biosynthesis” (1995 entire year). Carole Townsley (450) “Characterization of Arg42Ala of ATCase”, January 1995 Glenn Stanisforth (490) “Testing a Continuous Visible Spectcrophotometric Assay for ATCase”, April 1995. Kendall Noel (450) - on-campus supervisor for CO-OP, thesis completed at IAF April 1995. Laurent Castellucci (450) “Conditions for thiol titration in ATCase”, December 1994 Michel Khammer (490) “Steps Towards a Chimeric ATCase”, April 1994 Laurent Castellucci (summer NSERC Undergraduate Award) 1994 Gia Klironomous (summer student) “Purification of ATCase” 1994 Korous Moozar – on-campus supervisor for COOP, thesis completed at Jewish General Hospital, 1994 Pina Teoli -- on-campus supervisor for COOP, thesis completed at UQAM, 1994 Sylvie Wise (290) “Purifying Ala54 ATCase”, summer 1993 Mark Kleinman (summer student), purifying ATCase, summer 1993 Celia Chu (Science Fair Project) – electrophoresis, fall 1993 |