Research group
Michelle N. Chrétien (August 2005 - present)

Phone: (514) 848-2424 x5324
B.Sc. 1998 (Dalhousie University)
Ph.D. 2005 (University of Ottawa)
Thesis: Photochemistry in Supramolecular Systems: Photochemical,
Photophysical, and Biological Studies of Zeolite Hosted Guest
Research: Investigation of the mechanism, including the role of transition metal ions, in the S-nitrosation of small molecule and peptide thiols by UV-vis spectroscopy and LC-MS. The S-nitrosation of peptides may play an important role in their biological signaling. The biochemistry of nitrate tolerance is also being investigated using a combination of mass spectrometry and enzymatic assays to determine protein modifications induced by nitroglycerine, a nitrate drug used for the treatment of angina. Possible mechanisms of nitroglycerine bioactivation are also under investigation in vitro.
Juliana Garcia (November 2006 - present)
Phone: (514) 848-2424 x5322
B.Sc. 2006 (Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia)
Research: Study of the influence of multiple vasodilator pathway blockades on muscle blood flow and on vasodilator concentrations in muscle interstitial fluid and human plasma (nitrite, ATP, prostaglandines, adenosine and EETs) . We are working on an extraction and separation method of analytes from the plasma matrix and quantitation methodologies by LC-MS, LC-fluorescence and immunochemistry.
Denise M. Koch (January 2007 - present)
Phone: (514) 848-2424 x3336
B.Sc. 2000 (Concordia University)
Ph.D. 2006 (Concordia University)
Thesis: Theoretical Studies of Seeded Water Clusters: Structure, Thermodynamics and Photochemistry
Chateaubriand Post-doctoral Fellow 2006 for Dr. J.T. Hynes, Département de chimie, Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris, France)
Research: We are conducting quantum mechanical/classical dynamics simulations of the process of S-nitrosation in calbindin D28K. Our goal is to compare the calcium-free and calcium-bound structures of calbindin to better comprehend the differences in the S-nitrosation patterns between configurations. Furthermore, we are investigating the stability and reactivity of protein-based S-nitrosothiols, a major factor in nitric oxide signalling. It has been shown to date that over 100 proteins are S-nitrosated and very little is known about what controls the reactivity of proteins toward S-nitrosation.
Ernesto Moran (September 2003 - present)

Phone: (514) 428-7920 x5123
B.Sc. 1990 (McGill University)
M.Sc. 2001 (Concordia University)
Thesis: Characterization of Tephras
from the Eastern Mediterranean by Solid State Techniques
Biao Shen (May 2005 - present)

phone: (514) 848-2424 x5323
M.Sc. 2003 (Concordia University)
Thesis: Cell penetration of supramolecular sunscreen components and
the effects of these components on UVA-irradiation of cells)
Research Associate 2004 (Concordia University)
- Mass spectrometric analysis of the modification of thiol-containing biomolecules and protein-protein interactions
- Characterization of the products of the reactions of nitroxyl with thiol- containing molecules
- Biological and biochemical analysis of the physiological roles of yeast cytochrome C peroxidase (CCP)
Dendi Susanto (September 2006 - present)
Phone: (514) 428-3742
B.Sc. 1988 (Concordia University)
Research: Development of metal ion analysis for Ru, Pd, and Fe by ESI-MS in pharmaceuticals as an alternative approach to metal ion analysis by ICP-MS.
Meng Wei Ye (January 2001 - present)
Phone: (514) 848-2424 x5324