What to study?

1) What do you need to study for assignments and exams?

ANSWER: You need to study everything listed under the lecture chapters in the WebBook. I provide a range of materials, including lecture slides (which can be downloaded from the WebBook), written text, figures, and videos. These resources come from our own content as well as other short videos from various sources, all designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of statistics and biostatistics. All the material posted under each lecture and tutorial is crucial for your learning and will be included in assessments (assignments and exams). Note that the videos are generally very short!

2) Do exams cover detailed knowledge of R?

ANSWER: They don’t cover detailed knowledge but rather some basic commands that you will routinely use in your tutorials and reports. Additionally, I will ask for some calculations in exams and assignments that can be done by hand, along with a basic understanding of R commands. Examples of these will be provided in the quizzes.

3) Do we cover material in the lectures not covered in the lecture slides?

ANSWER: Lectures are designed to weave together concepts and knowledge in context. While lecture slides are comprehensive, they are not meant to replace a textbook. In short, attending lectures is essential for success in this course.